Liquid Toggle Button by Apostol Voicu

Liquid Toggle Button by Apostol Voicu

2018, Mar 18    

In dribble, There are many things that inspire me. I am going to introduce one simple but very interesting design today.

See the Liquid Toggle Button by Apostol Voicu

And I implemented the button and share the full source code in here

There were two things that were difficult to implement.

  1. Punching a hole in button.
  2. What a Thumb part disappear when applied the gooey effect.

Punching a hole in button.

I originally tried to clip canvas as a size of a thumb. But that way could not apply ‘Gooey Effect’ in my knowledge. So I changed original code as following code that just makes two paths.

private void makeTogglePath() {

    // draw rounded rect track

    RectF leftRound = new RectF();
    leftRound.set(0, 0, canvasHeight, canvasHeight);
    mFinalPath.arcTo(leftRound, 90, 180);
    mFinalPath.lineTo(canvasWidth-TRACK_RADIUS, 0);

    float lineWidth = canvasWidth-(TRACK_RADIUS*2);
    leftRound.set(lineWidth, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
    mFinalPath.arcTo(leftRound, 270, 180);
    mFinalPath.lineTo(TRACK_RADIUS, canvasHeight);

    // rotate for animation
    Matrix tractMatrix = new Matrix();
    tractMatrix.postRotate(-mThumbRotation, canvasWidth/2f, canvasHeight/2f);

    // draw thumb

    float thumbCenter = 2 * THUMB_RADIUS;
    mThumbPath.addCircle(thumbCenter, thumbCenter, mCurThumbRadius, Path.Direction.CW);
    // rotate for animation
    Matrix thumbMatrix = new Matrix();
    thumbMatrix.postRotate(mThumbRotation, canvasWidth/2,canvasHeight/2);


The problem was that I only want to fill a track part except for a thumb part. To make this, I added a code.

private void makeTogglePath() {


    // make one path
    mFinalPath.op(mThumbPath, Path.Op.DIFFERENCE);


Path.op() method() makes it possible to fill only a track part that I wanted. The second parameter will only fills the original path except for a path that be passed at first parameter when I fill the path on canvas.

You can think that the design has been implemented somewhat well with the code up to here. But my goal is to do almost exactly the same thing.

So I applied the Gooey Effect to make a thumb and a track seem to be connected together.

What a Thumb part disappear when applied the gooey effect.

During the animation, The thumb was disappeared when the thumb is fully in the track. Through debugging, I found that DiscretePathEffect path effect caused this result. So I started to search a solution that thumb is not disappearing when the thumb is fully in the track. And My solution is that use PathMeasure.nextContour() method(). This method returns true When a Path has no other independent paths. So I only applied gooey effect when a path does not include other independent paths.

private void makeTogglePath() {


    PathMeasure pm = new PathMeasure(mFinalPath, true);
    final float SEGMENT_NUM = 20f;

    // If you delete or move under line, pm.nextContour() method doesn't work I intended.
    final float SEGMENT_LENGHT = pm.getLength()/SEGMENT_NUM;

    if(pm.nextContour()) {

        mTrackPaint.setPathEffect( null);
    else {

        DiscretePathEffect discretePathEffect= new DiscretePathEffect(SEGMENT_LENGHT, 0);
        CornerPathEffect cornerPathEffect = new CornerPathEffect(50);
        ComposePathEffect pathEffect = new ComposePathEffect(cornerPathEffect, discretePathEffect);

        mTrackPaint.setPathEffect( pathEffect);

When the PathMeasure.nextContour() return true, I set null to the path effect to remove the previous path effect. With this solution, I was able to implement the original design in much the same way.

You can look demo video below.

You can get the full source code of Liquid Toggle Button by Apostol Voicu on my GitHub

Thanks for reading the article.